Scientific Name: Megalamphodus megalopterus
Family: Characidae
Origin: Brazil
Size: 4.5cm(1.75 inches)
Diet: Will accept most foods. A well varied diet flake and freeze dried foods, also small live foods such as brine shrimp.
Lifespan: 5 years
Sexual dimorphism: Male's have long black fins, females have shorter fins that oftten have a little red in them.
Swimming level: Mid to uper
Minimum Tank Size: 5 Gallons
Tank Setup:A well planted tank with some floating plants(java moss, ricca, elodea etc).
Min / Max number in tank:must be kept in shoals of at least 6- the more the merrier.
Temperature: 22C-29C(72F-82F)
Hardness:0dh- 18dh(remember water of around 0-2dh can be prone to a ph crash)
Temperament: Peacefull
Compatibility:Black phantoms will school with other similarly sized and shaped tetras, and go well with red phantom
tetra (Megalamphodus sweglesi).
Breeding:A breeding tank should be set up with plenty of floating plants and dim lighting. Use a few 'bushy' plants(java
moss, hornwort etc) that have been planted in pots, then cover the bottom of the tank with two layers of marbles or similar,
as they are egg scaterers teh eggs will fall through the marbles and can not be eaten. Prior to spawning the mating pair should
be conditioned with small live foods, such as freshly hatched brine shrimp or microworms.